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Perovskia atriplicifolia Little Spire® - Pépinière La Forêt

Perovskia atriplicifolia Little Spire®

Perovskia atriplicifolia Little Spire®

Perovskia atriplicifolia Little Spire®, dwarf shaped, has beautiful aromatic foliage, silver-grey in colour. In addition, its long panicles of lavender blue flowers open from July to October. Rustic, it is resistant to frosts of -15°C and resistant to disease.

Deciduous Grey
July to October Blue
-15 °C
Mixed-border, pot
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Packaging P77 A5
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Sold by 77 Available quantity 900 Delivery from Immédiat
Packaging GT9
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Sold by min 10 Available quantity 46 Delivery from Immédiat

All details concerning Perovskia atriplicifolia Little Spire®

Perovskia atriplicifolia Little Spire®, is a deciduous shrub whose foliage is very aromatic and silvery throughout the summer. Its flowers remind us of those of lavender by their wonderful blue / purple color. It has a compact fit (50cm x 50cm). In addition to its ornamental qualities, it is rustic (-15°C) and resistant to disease.

How to use Perovskia atriplicifolia Little Spire® ?

Flowering and rustic, Perovskia will create a sensation in a sunny mixed-border. In addition, this small shrub will look good anywhere, even in a large pot on the terrace.

What advices to achieve Perovskia atriplicifolia Little Spire®'s growth ?

In order for this Perovskia to flourish, it is placed in the sun. It can also be offered well-drained soil. Once installed, it is drought-resistant and is not affected by slugs, insects or disease. It also adapts very well to seaside climates.