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Fruit-growing & small fruits

The nursery offers a wide selection of fruit trees and small fruits' plants to sell : kiwis, fig tree, raspberry bush, blackcurrant and redcurrant, and also original little fruits such as : goji berry, May berry, sea buckthorn, chokeberry or feijoa. The fruit trees' range, Fruit Me®, comprises micro-transplanted varieties that enable pot cultivation and a fast fruit-forming.

Plant's nomination Packaging
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Available quantity Dispo à partir de Sold by Desired quantity Add to quote
Plant's nomination ACTINIDIA arguta Domino (femelle) Packaging GT9
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 690 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination ACTINIDIA arguta Domino (femelle) Packaging GT9
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 866 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination ACTINIDIA arguta Issai - Pépinière La Forêt ACTINIDIA arguta Issai (autofertile) Packaging GT10
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Available quantity 644 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
ACTINIDIA arguta Issai - Pépinière La Forêt ACTINIDIA arguta Issai

Actinidia arguta Issai, also called hardy kiwi, is a fruit tree from the Kiwi family producing little sweet fruits known as hardy kiwis. This variety flowers at the beginning of summer, and the fruits can be harvested as early as the end of summer. Very rustic, it settles perfectly in temperate areas. It will need a support to grow.

Deciduous Green
May to july Green
-25 °C
Plant's nomination ACTINIDIA deliciosa Hayward (femelle) Packaging POT11
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Available quantity 142 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination ACTINIDIA deliciosa Hayward (femelle) Packaging GT10
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Available quantity 284 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination ACTINIDIA deliciosa Hayward (femelle) Packaging POT11
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Available quantity 350 Dispo à partir de 05/2025 Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination ARONIA melanocarpa Hugin Packaging GT9
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 240 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination ARONIA melanocarpa Hugin Packaging GT9
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 510 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination ARONIA melanocarpa Hugin Packaging GT9
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 140 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination ARONIA melanocarpa Viking Packaging GT9
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Available quantity 156 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination ARONIA melanocarpa Viking Packaging GT9
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Available quantity 350 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination ARONIA melanocarpa Viking Packaging GT9
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Available quantity 711 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination ARONIA prunifolia Nero - Pépinière La Forêt ARONIA prunifolia Nero Packaging GT9
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Available quantity 40 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
ARONIA prunifolia Nero - Pépinière La Forêt ARONIA prunifolia Nero
Purple Aronia with large fruits

Beautiful decorative fruit tree, Aronia prunifolia Nero belongs to landscape gardens and to edible gardens. It flowers all summer long, and it is covered of little white flowers. They are replaced by shiny black fruits reminding blackcurrant. Its autumn foliage also has a magnificent colour. This hardy variety suits for temperate areas.

Deciduous Green then red in autumn
Half shadow
May to october White
-15 °C
Plant's nomination ARONIA prunifolia Nero - Pépinière La Forêt ARONIA prunifolia Nero Packaging GT9
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Available quantity 910 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
ARONIA prunifolia Nero - Pépinière La Forêt ARONIA prunifolia Nero
Purple Aronia with large fruits

Beautiful decorative fruit tree, Aronia prunifolia Nero belongs to landscape gardens and to edible gardens. It flowers all summer long, and it is covered of little white flowers. They are replaced by shiny black fruits reminding blackcurrant. Its autumn foliage also has a magnificent colour. This hardy variety suits for temperate areas.

Deciduous Green then red in autumn
Half shadow
May to october White
-15 °C
Plant's nomination Asimina Triloba - Pépinière La Forêt ASIMINA triloba Packaging POT11
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Available quantity 141 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Asimina Triloba - Pépinière La Forêt Asimina Triloba
Asimina Triloba

L'asimina triloba is a remarkable fruit tree that is little known to the general public, yet it deserves it. The asimina is a beautiful tree with tender green deciduous foliage and a fruit with an exotic taste. In spite of its appearance of exotic tree, it is very resistant to the cold and grows without any problems in our regions.

8x3 Upright
Deciduous Green
May à Juiy Wine bed
-25° °C
Isolated, orchard, pot
Plant's nomination CASTANEA sativa Marsol (InVitro) Packaging POT 11x11x15
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Available quantity 40 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination CASTANEA sativa semis baliveau Packaging POT 11x11x15
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Available quantity 41 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination CITRUS 4 saisons Packaging POT11
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Available quantity 700 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination CITRUS 4 saisons Packaging POT11
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Available quantity 355 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination CITRUS 4 saisons Packaging P77 A5
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Available quantity 462 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by 77
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination CITRUS hystrix Combava Packaging POT11
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Available quantity 386 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination CORYLUS avellana Pawetet Packaging CTR6
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Available quantity 59 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination CORYLUS avellana Webbs Prize Cob Packaging GT9
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Available quantity 689 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination CORYLUS avellana Webbs Prize Cob 40/60 Packaging CTR6
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Available quantity 52 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination DIOSPYROS lotus Packaging POT11
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Available quantity 669 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination ERIOBOTRYA japonica Packaging P77 A5
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Available quantity 2079 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by 77
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination FICUS carica Brown turkey Packaging POT11
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Available quantity 638 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination FICUS carica Brown turkey Packaging POT11
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Available quantity 76 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination FICUS Gustis ® Ficcolino ® Packaging POT11
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Available quantity 60 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination FICUS Little Miss Figgy EXPORT Packaging POT11
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Available quantity 750 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination FICUS Little Miss Figgy EXPORT Packaging POT11
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Available quantity 260 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination FICUS Little Miss Figgy EXPORT Packaging POT11
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Available quantity 71 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination FICUS Little Miss Figgy EXPORT Packaging POT11
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Available quantity 2006 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination FRAGARIA vesca Packaging GT9
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Available quantity 265 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination FRAGARIA vesca Packaging GT9
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Available quantity 720 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination LONICERA caerulea Aurora - Pépinière La Forêt LONICERA caerulea Aurora Packaging GT9
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Available quantity 50 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
LONICERA caerulea Aurora - Pépinière La Forêt LONICERA caerulea Aurora
Honeysuckle Bay of May 'Aurora'

Beautiful little shrub producing edible blue fruits, Lonicera caerulea Aurora is perfect for edible hedges projects or for pot planting. Its foliage is caduc and its little white flowers appear at the beginning of spring. The elongated blue fruits can ve harvested during the summer months. Fully hardy, this variety settles easily in temperate areas.

Deciduous Green
April to august White yellow
-40 °C
Plant's nomination LONICERA caerulea Borealis Packaging GT9
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Available quantity 150 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination LONICERA caerulea Borealis Packaging GT9
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Available quantity 271 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination LONICERA kamtschatica Kiev - Pépinière La Forêt LONICERA kamtschatica Kiev Packaging GT9
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Available quantity 122 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
LONICERA kamtschatica Kiev - Pépinière La Forêt LONICERA kamtschatica Kiev
Honeysuckle of Kamchatka

Very prolific blue honeysuckle, Lonicera kamtschatica Kiev will be very appreciated for its tasty fruits. This little shrub with a deciduous foliage becomes covered of pale yellow flowers at the beginning of spring, then of edible little blue fruits. It should be planted in the sun in pot, in planting bed or in informal hedges. Native from Siberia, it is very hardy and it tolerates frosts and cold winters.

Deciduous Green
March april Yellow
-40 °C
Plant's nomination LONICERA kamtschatica Kiev - Pépinière La Forêt LONICERA kamtschatica Kiev Packaging GT9
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Available quantity 158 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
LONICERA kamtschatica Kiev - Pépinière La Forêt LONICERA kamtschatica Kiev
Honeysuckle of Kamchatka

Very prolific blue honeysuckle, Lonicera kamtschatica Kiev will be very appreciated for its tasty fruits. This little shrub with a deciduous foliage becomes covered of pale yellow flowers at the beginning of spring, then of edible little blue fruits. It should be planted in the sun in pot, in planting bed or in informal hedges. Native from Siberia, it is very hardy and it tolerates frosts and cold winters.

Deciduous Green
March april Yellow
-40 °C
Plant's nomination LONICERA kamtschatica Tomishka Packaging GT9
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Available quantity 235 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination LYCIUM barbarum Sweety (garampoi) Packaging GT9
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Available quantity 199 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination MALUS communis Apple Me ® Golden Packaging CTR 2L5
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Available quantity 90 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination MESPILUS germanica Belle de grand lieu Packaging P77 A5
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Available quantity 1123 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by 77
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination MESPILUS germanica Belle de grand lieu Packaging POT11
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Available quantity 84 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination MICROCITRUS australis Caviar Rose Packaging POT11
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Available quantity 184 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination PHYSALIS peruviana Goldvital ® Packaging GT9
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Available quantity 114 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination PRUNUS domestica Plum Me ® Angeleno Packaging CTR 2L5
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Available quantity 60 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination PRUNUS domestica Plum Me ® Green Claudia Packaging CTR 2L5
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Available quantity 41 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination PRUNUS persica Ice peach ® Gelo 1 Packaging CTR 2L5
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Available quantity 75 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination PRUNUS persica Peach me Yellow ® Grocivac Packaging CTR 2L5
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Available quantity 45 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination PRUNUS tomentosum Packaging GT9
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Available quantity 169 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination PSIDIUM cattleyanum (Goyavier Fraise - fruits rouges) Packaging P104 A4
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 1144 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by 104
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination PSIDIUM cattleyanum (Goyavier Fraise - fruits rouges) Packaging P28 A8
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 558 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by 28
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination PSIDIUM cattleyanum var Lucidum (fruits jaunes) Packaging P104 A4
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 624 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by 104
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination PSIDIUM cattleyanum var Lucidum (fruits jaunes) Packaging GT9
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 564 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination PSIDIUM cattleyanum var Lucidum (fruits jaunes) Packaging P28 A8
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Available quantity 868 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by 28
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination RIBES jostaberry Packaging POT11
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 272 Dispo à partir de 04/2025 Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination RIBES nigrum Andega Packaging POT 11x11x15
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 140 Dispo à partir de 07/2025 Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination RIBES nigrum Tena Packaging POT 11x11x15
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 150 Dispo à partir de 07/2025 Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination RIBES nigrum Tena Packaging POT 11x11x15
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 40 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination RIBES rubrum Jonkheer van Tets (rouge) Packaging POT 11x11x15
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 190 Dispo à partir de 07/2025 Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination RIBES rubrum Versaillaise blanche Packaging POT 11x11x15
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 50 Dispo à partir de 07/2025 Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination RIBES uva-crispa Captivator - Pépinière La Forêt RIBES uva-crispa Captivator rouge Packaging POT11
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 147 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
RIBES uva-crispa Captivator - Pépinière La Forêt RIBES uva-crispa Captivator
Gooseberry Captivator

Ribes uva-crispa Captivator is a gooseberry which will be appreciated in gardens for its fruits with a taste smoother than the one of redcurrants. This variety with a deciduous foliage and a discreet white flowering is covered of big pinkish fruits at the beginning of summer. It is hardy but not drought-tolerant, and it needs a fresh soil.

Deciduous Green
Sun / Half shadow
April to june White green
-15 °C
Fruit hedge
Plant's nomination RIBES uva-crispa Captivator - Pépinière La Forêt RIBES uva-crispa Captivator rouge Packaging GT9
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 476 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
RIBES uva-crispa Captivator - Pépinière La Forêt RIBES uva-crispa Captivator
Gooseberry Captivator

Ribes uva-crispa Captivator is a gooseberry which will be appreciated in gardens for its fruits with a taste smoother than the one of redcurrants. This variety with a deciduous foliage and a discreet white flowering is covered of big pinkish fruits at the beginning of summer. It is hardy but not drought-tolerant, and it needs a fresh soil.

Deciduous Green
Sun / Half shadow
April to june White green
-15 °C
Fruit hedge
Plant's nomination RIBES uva-crispa Goldling ® Packaging POT11
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Available quantity 210 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination RIBES uva-crispa Hinnonmäki jaune Packaging POT 11x11x15
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 80 Dispo à partir de 07/2025 Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination RIBES uva-crispa Hinnonmäki jaune Packaging POT 11x11x15
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 110 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination RIBES uva-crispa Hinnonmaki Vert Packaging GT9
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 110 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination RIBES uva-crispa Invicta (blanc) Packaging GT9
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 230 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination RUBUS fruticosus Thornfree Packaging POT11
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 210 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination RUBUS idaeus Fall gold (remontant) (chromo/dem) Packaging P77 A5
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 469 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by 77
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination RUBUS idaeus Fall gold (remontant) (chromo/dem) Packaging POT11
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 200 Dispo à partir de 05/2025 Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination RUBUS idaeus Glen Ample ® (non remontant) Packaging GT9
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 152 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination RUBUS idaeus Glen Dee ® (non remontant) Packaging GT9
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 250 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination RUBUS idaeus Heritage ® - Pépinière La Forêt RUBUS idaeus Heritage (remontant) Packaging P77 A5
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 2748 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by 77
Desired quantity
RUBUS idaeus Heritage ® - Pépinière La Forêt RUBUS idaeus Heritage ®
RUBUS idaeus Heritage ®

One of the best known and oldest remontant Rubus varieties. The RUBUS idaeus Heritage ® produces beautiful, firm and very tasty fruit. A very productive variety, the fruit is harvested from July to October. A vigorous plant that can grow up to 1.5m high and as wide.

1m50 Upright
Deciduous Green
July à October White
-20° °C
Vegetable garden, fruit hedges, flower beds, pots
Plant's nomination RUBUS idaeus Himbo Top ® (remontant) Packaging GT9
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Available quantity 293 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination RUBUS idaeus Lowberry Little Sweet Sister ® Packaging POT11
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 200 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination RUBUS idaeus Malling promise (non remontant) Packaging GT9
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 43 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Desired quantity
Plant's nomination RUBUS idaeus Malling promise (non remontant) Packaging POT11
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 195 Dispo à partir de 05/2025 Sold by min 10
Desired quantity