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AJUGA repens Caitlins Giant - Pépinière La Forêt

AJUGA repens Caitlins Giant

AJUGA repens Caitlins Giant

L'AJUGA repens Caitlins Giant est une belle variété d'Ajuga tapissante et vigoureuse. Les jeunes feuilles sont teintées de bronze à leur apparition puis elles virent au vert à maturité. La floraison s'épanouit en Mai Juin. L'ajuga développe de grandes inflorescences bleues, bien dense d'une hauteur de 20cm.

15 x 30cm Ground cover
persistant Bronze to green
Half-shade to shade
May / June Blue
-15° °C
Flowerbeds, undergrowth, shrubbery
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Packaging GT9
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Available quantity 210 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10

Characteristics of AJUGA repens Caitlins Giant.

AJUGA repens Caitlins Giant is a very interesting perennial, it is a great ground cover that colonizes the space where it is planted. It has contrasting evergreen foliage, with young bronze leaves and mature dark green leaves. In spring the flowers rise above the foliage and offer upright, dense and compact inflorescences of lavender blue flowers.

How to use AJUGA repens Caitlins Giant.

The AJUGA repens Caitlins Giant is a perennial to be planted in perennial beds, at the foot of shrubs or in undergrowth where the lawn does not want to grow. It will cover the soil of the beds and thus prevent the growth of weeds and will colonize the spaces left by the lawn.

What tips do you have for growing AJUGA repens Caitlins Giant successfully?

The AJUGA repens Caitlins Giant is a shade to semi-shade perennial, it will appreciate a fresh and rich soil.

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