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Mahonia x Soft Caress ® - Pépinière La Forêt
Mahonia x Soft Caress ® - Pépinière La Forêt

Mahonia x Soft Caress ®

With its slender tender green foliage without spines, Mahonia x Soft Caress ® has a very graphic and airy aspect. Its lemon yellow flowering, typical from Mahonias, appears lately, from August to the end of November. Thanks to its very compact habit, this variety can be planted in pot or in planters on a terrace or on a balcony. 

Evergreen Green
August to November Yellow
-10 °C
Planting bed, rockery, pot
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All details concerning Mahonia x Soft Caress ® :

Among Mahonias, this Mahonia x Soft Caress ® cultivar is an orignial one. Its foliage is very different from its peers' one, indeed it doesn't have spines, its leaves are thin and sophisticated which provide it with a really elegant airy habit. Therefore, its compacted foliage looks light. Its late flowering starts in August and lasts until November. It is gifted with little bright yellow flowers in panicles. 

How to use Mahonia x Soft Caress ® ?

Mahonia x Soft Caress ® suits perfectly to pot, window box or border plantings thanks to its compacted habit. It also forms pretty ground covers. Quite rustic (until -10°C), this variety withstands cold but not long frosts, especially when it is not in open ground. 

What advices to achieve the Mahonia x Soft Caress ®'s growth ?

A wintering mulch will protect it from frosts. In order to boost its flowering, you can water it since the middle of summer.