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Gaura Red Color - Pépinière La Forêt

Gaura Red Color

Gaura Red Color is gifted with a striking bright red flowering really orignial for a gaura. Resistant and vigorous but also rustic and floriferous. It covers itself with melliferous flowers between May and October. It doesn't need a lot of water moreover it will appreciate sun and a drained soil. Compacted and upright, it reaches 50 cm high and shapes a coloured cloud that nicely flutters in the breeze.

Deciduous Green
June to October Red
-15 °C
Planting bed, rockery, pot
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All details concerning Gaura Red Color :

It is gifted with a stunning flamenco red flowering, that lasts between May/June and October. This gorgeous flowering provides with strength and joy any gardens. Its vigorous and upright tuft reaches about 50cm high and 30cm width with maturity. It creates a red cushion impression in summer. This gaura is sea spray and short dryness-resistant. Its star shaped flowers are also melliferous. Its deciduous leaves are marked with red touches.

How to use Gaura Red Color ?

Gaura Red Color will be a nice maritime or bucolic planting bed, rockery or urban garden as well as a flowered border. Combined with sages, lavenders, cistus, grasses or other gaura (gifted with different flowering, such as white, pink etc...) it is amazing. It is also beautiful in window boxes on a terrace or a sunny balcony.

What advices to achieve the Gaura Red Color's growth ?

We offer it a sun exposure (it withstands a semi shady one but will be less floriferous), a well-drained, light and rather calcareous (possibly poor) soil. Gaura Red Color is rustic until about -15°C and withstands occasional dryness. We can cut it flush at the winter's end.