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Sedum cauticola SunsSparkler Lime Twister® - Pépinière La Forêt
Sedum cauticola SunsSparkler Lime Twister® - Pépinière La Forêt

Sedum cauticola SunsSparkler Lime Twister®

Sedum cauticola SunsSparkler Lime Twister®

Sedum cauticola SunsSparkler Lime Twister®, has a deciduous and variegated foliage. Its flowers are dazzlingly pink. As a honeybeeder, it will attract different pollinators to the garden from August to September. In addition, Sedum Lime Twister® is rustic and can withstand frost temperatures of -15°C.

15cm x 30cm Carpet habit
Deicudous Mixed
August to september Pink
-15 °C
Isolated, ground cover, mixed-border and rockary
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All details concerning Sedum cauticola SunsSparkler Lime Twister®

Sedum cauticola SunsSparkler Lime Twister®, is a succulent perennial, which offers us an abundant flowering from August to September. Its flowers are a beautiful pink color and attract different pollinators. Its foliage is rounded, green and bordered with yellow (15cm x 30cm). In addition, this Sedum has a compact and creeping growth.


how to use Sedum cauticola SunsSparkler Lime Twister® ?

This marvellous perennial will make you feel isolated, covered and in mixed-border. She also likes to be in rock gardens or in a border of perennials.

What advices to achieve the Sedum cauticola SunsSparkler Lime Twister®'s growth ?

This beautiful succulent, easy to maintain, is suitable for all types of terrain. However, it can be found in sandy, well-drained soil in a sunny location. It also tolerates calcareous and stony soils.

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