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Anemone Pretty Lady Emily ® - Pépinière La Forêt

Anemone Pretty Lady Emily ®

Anemone Pretty Lady Emily ®

Anemone Pretty Lady Emily ® is a Japanese variety with a very abundant flowering, running from August to October. The sun-shaped flowers are pink, large and bright. Easy to cultivate and rustic, enjoying the sun and semi-shade, it is the queen of autumn mixed-border, low borders and flowered pots, whether on balconies, terraces or patios.

Deciduous Green
August to octobrer Pink
-15 °C
Mixed-border, border, flower boxes.
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Packaging GT9
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Packaging GT9
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All details concerning Anemone Pretty Lady Emily®

A particularly decorative Japanese anemone with its many pink, fleshy and broad flowers (5 cm), golden heart and dark green (deciduous) foliage. Anemone Pretty Lady Emily ® is a compact, easy-to-cultivate, honey-bearing selection, which blooms advantageously from August to October, or even November. Each stem carries up to four flowers.


How to use Anemone Pretty Lady Emily® ?

Robust and flowering, it is reserved for low mixed-border and large flowering pots. It reaches about 40 cm high and wide. It brings a lot of colour, especially in autumn, when other flowers often fade. It is associated, for example, with echinacea, dwarf roses, lavender and grasses.

What advices to achieve the Anemone Pretty Lady Emily®'s growth ?

On choisit une terre humifère et neutre, et une exposition mi-ombre à soleil. On coupe les tiges fanées pour favoriser la floraison et on rabat si nécessaire au début du printemps. L'Anemone Pretty Lady Emily ® est rustique mais on protège les très jeunes plantations contre les fortes gelées.