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Bulbine Frutescens Medicus® - Pépinière La Forêt

Bulbine Frutescens Medicus®

Bulbine Frutescens Medicus®

Bulbine Frutescens Medicus® is an extraordinary plant sought after for its different qualities, because this one offers us magnificent yellow flowers that tend towards orange and beautiful foliage that has therapeutic virtues. In addition, it develops easily in dry and very draining soils and is very resistant to drought. .

Evergreen Green
May to October Yellow
-5 °C
Mixed-border, rockery, pot, flower box, border.
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All details concerning Bulbine Frutescens Medicus®

Bulbine frutescens also called "yellow bulbine", is a fatty and medicinal plant with properties close to aloe vera. It is of African origin and belongs to the Asphodelaeceae family... It is perfectly resistant to drought. The yellow bulb is the most rustic of its kind, it is grown outdoors in a Mediterranean climate. It is also very sought after for its beautiful starry flowers, of a beautiful orange-yellow colour. Its flowering takes place from May to October and will attract many pollinators to your garden.


How to use Bulbine Frutescens Medicus® ?

 The Yellow Bulbine is rapidly growing and spreads over 60 cm. It can be used as a ground cover on particularly arid surfaces. It is also ideal as a mixed-border, rockery, pot, planter or flower box, but also as a border.


What advices to achieve The Bulbine Frutescens Medicus®'s growth ?

This graceful plant can be planted in very dry soil. Indeed, it can withstand heat very well. However, it can be satisfied with a semi-shaded exposure. Your soil must be rich, humus rich and very light in order for your Bulbine to flourish fully.