Bamboo Fargesia robusta Pingwuis a close peer of the Fargesia robusta Campbell and presents the same qualities really researched such as : vigorous, rustic, not demanding concerning the soil or the exposure, dense and graphic. Its light straws contrasts perfectly with its green stems, it reaches about 4m high with maturity. We prefere planting it in visual-barrier hedge, isolated as well as in a large vat on the terrace or in a minerals garden.
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All details concerning Bambou Fargesia robusta Pingwu :
Vigorous non invasive bamboo's variety it comes from Sichuan, is gifted with a generous, glossy and evergreen foliage that can reach about 4m high with maturity. Its light sheaths shape nice green straws' alternation. This is a close Bambou Fargesia robusta Campbell's cousin, that is also appreciated for its numerous assets.
How to use Bambou Fargesia robusta Pingwu?
It suits perfectly to garden or balcony that protect you from winds or viewers. We plant it at planting bed's backgrounds in order to built a natural barrier (one plant every 80cm), isolated or in a large vat so as to enjoy its graphic tuft's look on the terrace.
What advices to achieve the Bambou Fargesia robusta Pingwu's growth ?
It is not demanding at all. We choose a sun, semi shady or even a shady exposure. It preferes a deep and non calcareous soil. It is really rustic until -20°C. Non invasive, therefore it doesn't need any anti-rhyzome barrier during the planting. We water it very generously during its planting.