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  • BAMBOU FARGESIA jiuzhaigu Genf
BAMBOU FARGESIA jiuzhaigu Genf - Pépinière La Forêt
BAMBOU FARGESIA jiuzhaigu Genf - Pépinière La Forêt
BAMBOU FARGESIA jiuzhaigu Genf - Pépinière La Forêt

BAMBOU FARGESIA jiuzhaigu Genf

BAMBOU FARGESIA jiuzhaigu Genf

FARGESIA jiuzhaigu Genf is a non-tracking variety with a very erect habit and a good density of leaves. The canes are born green and turn red to purple when mature. The canes therefore offer a very nice contrast to the light green foliage. The leaves are thin and give the plant a graphic appearance. Fargesia jiuzhaigu are very dense and compact foliage varieties, so they are suitable for small spaces or containers. 


3.5 x 1.5 m Upright
Persistant Green
-20° °C
Hedges, Isolated, Clumps, Pots
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Packaging POT11
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Available quantity 270 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10
Packaging POT11
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 340 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by min 10