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Phormium Evening Glow - Pépinière La Forêt

Phormium Evening Glow

Magnificent variety in warm tints, Phormium Evening Glow brings its bright colors in planting beds, in borders or in pot on a terrace. Its variegated foliage is pink red in the center, red-bronze bordered. In summer, upright floral scapes of white flowers appear. The foliage of this variety persists all year round, making of it a decorative perennial throughtout the year.

Evergreen Variegated
June to September White
-8 °C
Planting bed, pot
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All details concerning Phormium Evening Glow :

Phormium Evening Glow is a pretty variety gifted with an amazingly colourful foliage, in pink and red shades, as well as long and slender light pink leaves, that turn to red in their middle. These leaves are surrounded by a bronze green colours. Nice little white flowers appear during its flowering's period, they gently topped the foliage. 

How to use Phormium Evening Glow ?

Really decorative thanks to its large tufts' habit, (sometimes more than 1m high), Phormium Evening Glow can really take part to landscaped projects. We can't miss its gorgeous habit and its colourful aspect. Not very rustic (until about -8°C), we keep this variety for mild climate's planting bed. As far as cold areas are concerned, a pot planting will enable you to take it indoor fastly and will be more suitable.

What advices to achieve the Phormium Evening Glow's growth ?

Once it is settled, Phormium Evening Glow is not demanding, excepting several watering in case of hot summers.