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BRUNNERA macrophylla Alexander's Great®  - Pépinière La Forêt

BRUNNERA macrophylla Alexander's Great®

BRUNNERA macrophylla Alexander's Great®

This Brunnera has very large leaves, the largest in the family. They are silvery in colour with green veins and can grow up to 60 cm high. The delicate blue flowers bloom in spring.

60 X 60 CM
Deciduous Silver with green ribbing
Shade to Half-shade
April to June Blue
-15° °C
Clumps, borders, foot of trees.
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Packaging GT9
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Sold by min 10 Available quantity 60 Delivery from Immédiat

Characteristics of BRUNNERA macrophylla Alexander's Great ®.

BRUNNERA macrophylla Alexander's Great ® with its broad foliage has a tropical look. The broad leaves are silver with green veins, much larger than the Jack Frost variety. In spring, small, bright blue flowers appear in clusters, very delicate and identical to those of the forget-me-not.

How to use BRUNNERA macrophylla Alexander's Great ®?

BRUNNERA macrophylla Alexander's Great ® grows to a spread of about 60 cm and forms a low, dense and vigorous cushion. Its spectacular foliage and flowers dress up ground cover beds and brighten up the shadier parts of the garden. Siberian Bugloss can also be grown as a low border or in pots to decorate balconies, patios and terraces.

Tips for growing BRUNNERA macrophylla Alexander's Great ® successfully

Grow it in the shade and choose a rather cool soil. The BRUNNERA macrophylla Alexander's Great ® is very hardy, down to -15°C, and also resists summer heat very well, if the soil is sufficiently rich and cool. Cut off the spent flowers and cut back the plant in late autumn.