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RUBUS idaeus Heritage ® - Pépinière La Forêt

RUBUS idaeus Heritage ®

RUBUS idaeus Heritage ®

One of the best known and oldest remontant Rubus varieties. The RUBUS idaeus Heritage ® produces beautiful, firm and very tasty fruit. A very productive variety, the fruit is harvested from July to October. A vigorous plant that can grow up to 1.5m high and as wide.

1m50 Upright
Deciduous Green
July à October White
-20° °C
Vegetable garden, fruit hedges, flower beds, pots
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Packaging P77 A5
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Available quantity 2748 Dispo à partir de Immédiat Sold by 77
Packaging POT11
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
Available quantity 400 Dispo à partir de 05/2025 Sold by min 10