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MUSA acuminata Ice Cream - Pépinière La Forêt

MUSA acuminata Ice Cream

MUSA acuminata Ice Cream

Banana 'Ice Cream' is a hardy banana (-7°C) that produces delicious, hardy edible fruit reminiscent of banana ice cream. Native to South-East Asia, this banana is ideal for adding an exotic touch to the garden.

4,5 m x 3 m Erect, tufted
Evergreen Green
Full sun, part shade
Summer White
-7 °C
Isolated, solid, pot
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Packaging P77 A5
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Sold by 77 Available quantity 455 Delivery from Immédiat
Packaging P24 A9
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Sold by 24 Available quantity 3200 Delivery from Immédiat

Characteristics of MUSA acuminata Ice Cream :

Le Musa acuminata 'Ice Cream' est un bananier de grande taille atteignant jusqu'à 4,5 mètres de hauteur et 3 mètres de largeur. Il présente un port érigé et forme une touffe dense. Ses feuilles persistantes, d'une couleur vert clair, ajoutent une touche décorative. Ce bananier préfère une exposition en plein soleil ou à mi-ombre. Il est rustique jusqu'à -7°C, ce qui le rend adaptable à diverses régions. Les fleurs blanches apparaissent en été, précédant la production de bananes crémeuses et savoureuses.

How do I use MUSA acuminata Ice Cream?

The Ice Cream Banana can be used in a variety of ways in the garden. In the ground, it makes an excellent focal point thanks to its large size and exotic leaves. It can also be grown in pots to decorate a terrace or patio. In beds, it adds a tropical touch and can be combined with other exotic plants. Used as a hedge or privacy screen, it offers a natural and aesthetic solution for protecting your space from prying eyes.

What advice do you have for growing MUSA acuminata Ice Cream successfully?

To grow Musa acuminata 'Ice Cream' successfully, choose rich, well-drained, slightly acidic soil. Plant the young banana plants 2 to 3 metres apart to allow them to develop fully. Water regularly, especially during the active growth period, but avoid over-watering. Adding compost or organic fertiliser in spring will encourage vigorous growth. In winter, protect the base of the banana plant with thick mulch to keep out the cold. Light pruning of damaged leaves is all that's needed to maintain a healthy, attractive plant.