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Penstemon hartwegii Peptalk Red ® - Pépinière La Forêt

Penstemon hartwegii Peptalk Red ®

Magnificent recently obtained Penstemon cultivar, Penstemon hartwegii Peptalk Red ® proposes a long-lasting bright red flowering. In summer and autumn, this variety is covered of large red flowers with a white heart. Its dense and regular habit suits very well for a use in flower pots, and it also makes nice coloured planting beds.

Half evergreen Green
June to October Red
-8 °C
Planting bed, mixed-border, flowered pot
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All details concerning Penstemon hartwegii Peptalk Red ® :

Coming from a new Penstemons' collection, Penstemon hartwegii Peptalk Red ® is a nice long red flowering's variety. Since the beginning of June and until October, this cultivar products an abundant flowering that refreshes really regularly. Its bright red and white at the heart flowers are in upright clusters that overreach its half evergreen and thin lanceolate foliage. Penstemon hartwegii Peptalk Red ® received a bronze medal during the Plantarium's show in 2015. 

How to use Penstemon hartwegii Peptalk Red ® ?

Like its peers, Penstemon hartwegii Peptalk Red ® is gifted with a rounded, dense and regular habit. It suits perfectly to pots or window boxes thanks to its small size (50cm x 50cm). This variety really loves sun exposures. It doesn't withstand the cold because it is not very rustic (not under -8°C). 

What advices to achieve the Penstemon hartwegii Peptalk Red ®'s ?

We advise you to offer it a winter mulch in case of cold winters.