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PERSICARIA capitata Pink Tome - Pépinière La Forêt
PERSICARIA capitata Pink Tome - Pépinière La Forêt

PERSICARIA capitata Pink Tome

PERSICARIA capitata Pink Tome

A very good ground cover variety with colourful foliage and original flowering. The green leaves are marked with a brown V in the middle, when mature they are iridescent pink. From spring to autumn they are covered with small pastel pink pompons. Perennial in mild climates, it will naturally reseed itself elsewhere.

5 x 30 cm Covering
Semi-persistent Green with a brown V in the centre and a pink border
Sunny to half-shade
June to october Pink
-8° °C
Ground cover, alternative turf
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Characteristics of PERSICARIA capitata Pink Tome.

This Asian knotweed is a discreetly attractive plant with alternate leaves on reddish hairy stems, all marked with the typical brown V-shaped chevron and edged with pink on the e. It spreads and forms a low carpet. The pink flower heads are somewhat similar to clover and are also popular with bees. It blooms continuously from early summer until frost.

How to use PERSICARIA capitata Pink Tome.

The PERSICARIA capitata Pink Tome is a very good and aesthetic ground cover. It can be planted at the foot of shrubs, on embankments or as an alternative lawn. It can also be planted on green walls.

How to grow the PERSICARIA capitata Pink Tome successfully.

Like most Persicarias, it needs fresh, rich soil. It can be planted in sun or semi-shade. Hardy down to -8°C, it will re-seed itself very well every year in colder regions.