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CHAMAEMELUM nobile Treneague AlterGazon® - Pépinière La Forêt

CHAMAEMELUM nobile Treneague AlterGazon®

CHAMAEMELUM nobile Treneague AlterGazon®


CHAMAEMELUM nobile Treneague AlterGazon® is a very interesting variety of compact and very dense Chamomile. It does not flower and forms a short, very silky carpet. The foliage is very fine and aromatic, reminiscent of apple. Ideal as an alternative to grass CHAMAEMELUM nobile Treneague is part of our solution A LA PLACE DU GAZON and carries the brand name AlterGazon®

15 x 30 cm Sodding
Evergreen Apple green
Sunny/ Half-shade
-25° °C
Alternative lawns, ground cover
To find out more about our packaging, please visit our young plants' page available from the website header.
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Le stock n'est actuellement pas disonible pour ce produit.

Characteristics of the CHAMAEMELUM nobile Treneague AlterGazon®.

 CHAMAEMELUM nobile Treneague AlterGazon® has evergreen foliage that forms a dense green carpet with tiny aromatic leaves. It does not exceed 20cm in height and does not flower, so it remains green all year round. It is therefore approved and used for alternative lawns.

What is the AlterGazon® range?

How to replace lawns with less water, less fertiliser and less or no mowing. LAFORET Jeunes Plants offers the AlterGazon® range, 6 tested varieties guaranteeing a real living plant carpet, aesthetic and dense foliage preventing the development of weeds and tolerance to occasional trampling. The AlterGazon® range is the answer, for each region of France, with one or more varieties as alternatives to lawns, adapted to the climate, exposure and soil type. Discover les AlterGazon® variéties

How to use CHAMAEMELUM nobile Treneague AlterGazon®.

AlterGazon® Treneague CHAMAEMELUM nobile can be used in the composition of alternative lawns in association with other plants such as Matricaria, Thymus... or alone depending on the desired spirit. It can also be used as a ground cover in beds or planted between Japanese steps.

How to grow CHAMAEMELUM nobile Treneague AlterGazon®.

The CHAMAEMELUM nobile Treneague AlterGazon® likes light and fresh soil. It should be given a sunny or slightly shady exposure.