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Lagerstroemia Cherry Bouquet Rouge ® - Pépinière La Forêt

Lagerstroemia Cherry Bouquet Rouge ®

Lagerstroemia Cherry Bouquet Rouge ® is a small tree or a tall shrub which can reach 2,5m hight. Its early summer flowering is abundant, and it takes the shape of clusters of brightly colored flowers, in pink red shades. The bark of this variety is decorative, as the autumn colors of its foliage. This nice shrub likes sun exposure.

Deciduous Green
July to August Pink
-15 °C
Isolated, vat
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All details concerning Lagerstroemia Cherry Bouquet Rouge ® :

Lagerstroemia Cherry Bouquet Rouge ® is a shrub gifted with deciduous leaves, it is extremely specific thanks to its bright colourful flowering between July and August. Its typical Lagerstroemia's family flowers shape nice dense pink-red clusters. It as also gifted with a charming autumn colour foliage, from green to yellow, then red purple at the autumn beginning. This variety still decorative even after its leaves' fall thanks to its smooth bark. 

How to use Lagerstroemia Cherry Bouquet Rouge ® ?

Its medium size (2,5m x 1,5m) enables us to craft it in clumps for a shrubby habit, or with a unique trunk for a small tree look, Lagerstroemia Cherry Bouquet Rouge ® offers a large range of choices. It should rather be planted in sun, its rustic aspect (until -15°C) allows it it to withstand well cold winters.  

What advices to achieve the Lagerstroemia Cherry Bouquet Rouge ®'s growth ?

In case of long frosts, it is important to mulch its foot, or to take it indoor for pot planting's ones.